Beginners Guide to Human Design - Purpose

Beginners Guide to Human Design - Purpose

June 17, 20234 min read

“Your Purpose is the unique song you're here to sing. Discover it and let your music be heard.” - Ra Uru Hu

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Human Design and Purpose

  • Brief Overview of Human Design

  • The Significance of Purpose in Human Design

  • Discovering Your Purpose through Human Design

  • Your Incarnation Cross / Life Theme

  • Your Defined Energy Centers

  • Your Strategy

  • Your Gifts/ Gates

  • Your Interests and Excitements

  • Combining These Aspects to Find Your Purpose

  • Applying Your Purpose in Your Career

  • Conclusion

  • FAQs

Beginners Guide to Human Design - Purpose

Beginners Guide to Human Design: Unveiling Your Purpose

Introduction to Human Design and Purpose

Brief Overview of Human Design

Human Design is a unique system that combines aspects from different disciplines including astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the chakra system to offer a comprehensive understanding of human nature. It is a tool for self-discovery, enabling you to understand your strengths, challenges, and most importantly, your purpose.

The Significance of Purpose in Human Design

In the Human Design system, the concept of 'Purpose' is paramount. It refers to the unique role you're designed to play in life. Discovering your purpose is like finding a compass, providing direction and clarity on your life's journey.

Discovering Your Purpose through Human Design

To find your purpose, we look at five key elements in your Human Design: Incarnation Cross, Defined Energy Centers, Strategy, Gifts, and your innate passions/preferences in life.

Your Incarnation Cross / Life Theme

The Incarnation Cross in your Human Design chart represents the specific theme you're here to bring to life. It is derived from the positioning of the Sun and Earth at the time of your birth and six months prior, leading to four Gate energies that shape your life's theme.

Your Defined Energy Centers

The Defined Energy Centers in your chart represent consistent energy patterns within you. Each of these centers influences specific aspects of your personality and the way you interact with the world.

Your Strategy

Your Strategy in Human Design is your personal roadmap, guiding how you can best navigate the world. It advises on how you should make decisions and interact with others, making your life's journey more aligned and less resistant.

Your Gifts/ Gates

Your Gifts, represented by the Gates in your chart, are specific talents or qualities that come naturally to you. They are your unique strengths that you can use to contribute to the world.

Your Interests and Excitements

Lastly, what interests and excites you can point to areas where your purpose may lie. These are the things that bring you joy and energy, and where you often find flow.

Combining These Aspects to Find Your Purpose

To find your purpose, you start by understanding your Incarnation Cross, recognizing the life theme you're here to embody. You then explore your Defined Energy Centers and Strategy to understand how your purpose is expressed and actioned. You reflect on your Gifts to see what comes easy to you, which can often be part of your purpose. Lastly, you consider what excites you, as these passions can be signposts pointing you towards your purpose.

Applying Your Purpose in Your Career

With clarity on your purpose, you can reflect on how to apply it in your career. What professions allow you to embody your life theme, utilize your defined energy centers, follow your strategy, leverage your gifts, and explore your interests? The answer will lead you towards a career that's aligned with your purpose, bringing fulfillment and a sense of contributing something meaningful to the world.


By understanding your Human Design, you can discover your purpose, which can guide your career choices and provide clarity in your life's journey.

We know its not always easy to see all the breadcrumbs laid out for you, but our starter course can help you with understanding each aspect to discover more of your purpose.

Try the human design AI for Free + Get the Starter kit to now what to ask it. - Then you will know what your chart means.


1. How can I find my purpose using Human Design? You can discover your purpose in Human Design by understanding five key elements in your chart: your Incarnation Cross, your Defined Energy Centers, your Strategy, your Gifts, and your interests.

3. Can understanding my Human Design help me in my career? Yes, understanding your Human Design can provide insights that help you align your career with your purpose, resulting in a more fulfilling professional life.

Ready to discover your purpose? Click here to get started with the AI program.

“Living your Purpose is like dancing with the Universe in perfect harmony.” - Ra Uru Hu

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By Elvan Granth Eblé

Elvan The Bearded Wizard, a passionate co traveller, and advocate for Human Design, dedicated to empowering individuals worldwide. Join the movement of self-discovery, and unlock your true potential. Let's make Human Design accessible to as many people as possible and lets lift the consciousness of the world!

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PERFECT if you want to explore and have AI

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